MS Society Cheque Presentation at Park Manor
1st December 2017
The team at Park Manor had previously taken part in a charity zip line across the river lagan in aid of the MS Society. It is a charity very close to the nursing homes heart with the wonderful resident Rose Mason as inspiration for the event.
The total raised was an astounding £713.65 and Tom Mallon, fundraising manager at the MS Society Northern Ireland, visited Park Manor for a cheque presentation. Rose was delighted to be part of the presentation and as you can see from the photo everyone looks proud as punch for what they have achieved.
It’s clear that Park Manor have a strong passion for fundraising and really do put a lot of effort in to make sure they get the most out of every fundraising opportunity. It is obvious that the team care with heart and what a fantastic amount raised for a very special cause.
MS is a neurological condition which means it affects your nerves. It’s caused when your immune system isn’t working properly. Once diagnosed, MS stays with you for life, but treatments and specialists can help you to manage the condition and its symptoms. The work the MS Society carry out is invaluable and they are always grateful for any charitable act or donation. They offer guidance, emotional support and carry out vital research for MS every year. To find out more about their amazing work click here.