Leabank Nursing Home Celebrates World Kindness Day

13th November 2018

As it’s World Kindness Day we thought we would share some lovely acts of kindness from our Ballycastle home, Leabank.

Our first act of kindness comes from Irene McBride – wife to resident John McBride at Leabank. Irene has assisted in the planning and creation of many of Leabank’s charity fundraisers. Without Irene’s kindness and dedication to many bake sales, where she has made homemade edible treats and knitted gestures, we wouldn’t of raised such fantastic amounts of money for charities such as Age NI, Air Ambulence, MacMillan Cancer and many more.

Next up for World Kindness Day is Leabank employee Eilish Harkin. Eilish joined Leabank in 1995 and throughout her 23 years has utilised a positive attitude, amicable behaviour and good actions in her work, embracing our Core Values. Eilish is a dedicated member of staff, who is always the first to help. She was Employee of the Month in October and is admired by all staff and residents for her great work ethic and kindness

Another amazing act of kindness, this time from a former Senior Carer at Leabank Nursing Home Helen Murphy. Helen still volunteers in the home for flower arranging with the residents. They love spending time with Helen and learning the creative skills of flower arranging.

We hope our acts of kindness stories have inspired you today and we will finish up on some final tips from our residents at Leabank on kindness:

❤ Elizabeth Cassidy said being kind is a top quality to have.. and if you have it you can’t beat it.

❤ Dermott O’Connor said kindness is treating people how you would want to be treated yourself.

❤ Pat McKinney’s take on kindness is what goes around comes around, the next time roles could be reversed. She further adds smile as it is contagious – pass it on!


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